Keeping People Safe and Organizations Running
Having lived in New York City on 9/11, and with two boys in public schools, Wellspring Info's CEO, Scott Cohen, is deeply committed to improving emergency response outcomes. Since 2010, Wellspring has improved thousands of emergency response plans and made those plans available
via quick-reference guidebooks and apps.
Our Values
Wellspring Info is an inclusive work environment. If you're passionate about improving emergency response outcomes for corporations, schools, colleges, hospitals, arenas, stadiums, hotels, government, and places of worship, we want to hear from you.

Tony Suszczynski Preparedness Coordinator, Shands Jacksonville Medical Center
“My regulatory compliance department went crazy over your guidebooks. Smash hit.”
Allison Rossett ASTD Board of Directors (American Society for Training & Development)
"Wellspring's products bring the energy generated in training events to workplace actions."
Art Rudat Director of Corporate Security, AOL
“Very nice, very clean.”
Roody Prato Deputy Chief, Colgate University
"Wellspring gives our staffers the right response, right in their hands."
Dr. Robert Smith President of Slippery Rock University
“I love it, I love it. These guidebooks are the right thing to do.”
Dale Currier Office of Counter Terrorism/NY State Homeland Security
"People don't need a three-inch thick emergency plan-they need quick hits in their hands, in products like yours."